Elderly Support + impact
Immerse yourself in Jamaican culture with a personal interaction with it's natives. Come with us, assist the elderly, explore the island, feel the vibe while we give back. Help prepare Jamaican meals, interact with locals and distribute donation items to local nursing homes. Take a stroll with a wheelchair bound Jamaican along the bustling city streets and experience their unique way of life. Each trip is uniquely designed to expand your horizons. If you want to empower and create an organic connection Impact Jamaica is your outlet.
Healthcare + IMPACT
As healthcare advances around the world globally, Impact Jamaica strives to keep Jamaica current and improve the health status and well-being of its residents. To help us achieve this goal, we have partnered with several facilities that will allows us to take vital signs, assist with activities of daily living and educate those in need. Medical supplies and donations are accepted.
Nursing Home care + impact
Older adults pave the way for future generations to come. Cultures worldwide celebrate the elderly population due to the tremendous knowledge they can carry. What better way to celebrate them than to cater to their needs, not just the age-related. We provide medical supplies, medical equipment, bed pads, diapers, catheters etc. Fun hands on activities, games, assist with personal care are some of the many things we incorporate with this population. Donations are accepted.
““The youth can walk faster but the elder knows the road.””